Business social network product design

Julie Liu
4 min readAug 13, 2019


1. Summary-overview

Qin Mai is a product that service for the business professionals. In the early stage, it will offer the basic e-business card management function. And later it can help the business man to manager their social network , such as track the merchant partners‘s key points. The product will focusing on the management of the business social.

Product Positioning:

A personal management and social product for business professionals

User positioning:

  • Business man and manager (Commercial manager);
  • Enterprise senior manager;
  • Assistant/Executives of the manager/ CEO / VP etc.

Product features:

Business cards management, network management, business social, resource docking, circle, association community, etc.

2. Market analysis & Competition analysis

In recent years, so many business network products launched in the market. We searched all the similar products in the market. And distribute these areas:

  • E-business cards management tools: These products are only based on the e-business card management, while can’t communicate with business man or social with people;
  • Workplace social products-(Mai Mai、LinkedIn、LiePin) — — that are only focusing on finding jobs or career management, can’t maintain with business friends or tracking with partners;
  • Social business network — — Focusing on the business circles and social activities; Usually between very high level business man like VP or CEO , it is hard to get into and it’s usually enclosed; — — High level; (Zheng He Dao CEO club)

3 main areas for the competition

Competition analysis (functions)

Competition analysis for the business social networking and e-business card company(function)

it was there that we could see an opportunity in the market for these business man

User Research & user research

3. User Research & user research

Based on the above analysis of competitors, we identified our target users in the company. And also we conducted a series of interview with these users (less then 10), and charted out finding/ insights below;

Who is the user?

Persona sample

Indeed we interviewed less 10 persons. And we systematizer three user portraits according above the three kinds of potential user groups. Above is one of them.

*persona for the business man/director/manager

Analysis for the users’ pain points-Card sorting

Analysis for the users’ pain points

With the popularization of e- business cards, business people have higher requirements for the personal management. How to effectively assist business people to manage and communicate with people in the workplace has become a blank in social networks markets.

1. Business card management is messy

2. High maintenance cost for the network management

3. Professional association’s news are dispersed

4. Structure and Prototype Design

Some of the original sketches and the main structure for the product.

Some of the original whiteboard sketches of the new Foursquare

Wireframs and prototype design

5. UI design and the main page design

5.1. Simple design and easy operation

Proper user guidance, optimizing user usage processes, and enhance product experience;

5.2. Professional business style/high-quality and professionalism

The design style is based on simple & suitable for business people, the design language strives for professionalism. Does not disturb the user’s experience.

5.3. Design language standardize and unity, following the latest design trends

Maintain the unity of the design language. More attention is paid to product features and availability. Following the latest design trends and bring users a good emotional experience.

Concept & UI Design


After we finished the hi-prototype, we had a simple test for the users. And user’s satisfaction is good the what we think. The product basically achieved the desired results.

The next step is to launch the first version, let the market and the real users to test it.

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